Session 05: Researching Preexisting Tools

Session 04: Steps and Timeframes (part I)
Session 06: System Design and Implementation

Hi. Welcome to this project log. Today’s session is a recap of how the tools were researched as the work for this was completed offline.

Here is a reminder of the goals and objectives for this project:

Goal: Establish a system for writing notes and logs for Cryptiquest projects online.

Objective 1: The system must connect to a populated online community with the intention of facilitating discussion about the posts.
Objective 2: The system must be able to accommodate advanced formatting, including lists, indents, an tables.
Objective 3: The system must allow session-based posts.
Objective 4: The system must feature a way for posts to be linked together under the same project.
Objective 5: Ensure the system allows for Cryptiquest, LLC to maintain rights to all content posted for and by Cryptiquest, LLC.

Since the objectives are all Boolean, I made a simpler checklist like this:

  1. Community
  2. Formatting
  3. Sessions
  4. Nested-projects
  5. Protected IP

For starters, I’ve done an internet search for online tools for project management. There are tons of them! But none of them fulfill the first objective: Community. I want an online community baked in.

Moving on. Since online communities are integral, I did a search for social media platforms that would work for project planning. This was extensive. I was already familiar with Facebook, Twitter, G+ and some other related platforms (LinkedIn, for instance) but some others (e.g. Reddit and Tumblr) I needed to dive into.

The social media platforms obviously had the Community box ticked and some of them met the Formatting checkbox, but the Sessions and Nested-projects aspects were either not present or only half present.

I then looked into niche-based social media platforms – specifically those targeting writers (Wattpad, Scribophile, etc.) and game developers (Develteam). The issues were the same – no functionality that supported Sessions or Nested-projects.

Finally, I decided that there was no solution that met every criteria and I was going to have to improvise. I’d use WordPress to create a site, using categories to denote the “Project” which come with a neat hierarchy feature for nesting purposes and use posts for each session. With the IP being protected, nearly all the checkboxes were ticked except one: Community.

To solve the Community problem, the plan is two-fold.

  1. One: share the sessions on social media once they are live.
  2. Use some of the social media platforms that were nearly almost perfect to post “project summaries” reflecting on the project once it is complete.

I hope that second part helps garner interest. I’ve been doing the first one for a few years with little success.

This process – searching, testing, failing, etc. – took several sessions to complete. The next step is to design the system which won’t be straight forward. While WordPress is a great tool, figuring out exactly how to do this will be determined by what themes and plugins I can find then how I can manipulate them for the purposes of this project.

So the next session might also be a recap of the work that had been completed.

Session 04: Steps and Timeframes (part I)
Session 06: System Design and Implementation