Session 05: Assessing Capabilities

Session 04: Assessing Requirements
Session 06: More Capabilities

Hey hey! Welcome to this session of the Vision Chart project where I am creating a chart to measure Cryptiquest’s progress toward completing its vision. The last session focused on breaking objectives down into the elements required to make those objectives viable. This session will focus on analyzing the requirements and identifying the capabilities required to meet them.

Before I begin, I need to note that I scrapped the large list of requirements created in the last session. There is a mix of processes and capabilities and other nonsense that isn’t necessary for the project at hand. Instead, I will look at the previously created list (created in the same session). This list was what was generated when I reduced the objectives down to their requirements:

More than one tool1Create tool(s)
Tool User Feedback collection method1 – 6Create feedback collection method
Tool survey1 – 6Create survey
Tool users1 – 6Have users
At least one tool2 – 10, 18Create tool
Conceptualization functionality2Create tool
Design functionality2Create tool
Production functionality2Create tool
Publication functionality2Create tool
Sharing functionality3Create CMS
Collaboration functionality3Create Social Media platform
Game engine5 – 6Create Game engine
Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)7 – 10, 22Create Data map; Obtain data
Map data about languages spoken7Obtain data
Map data about access to information8Obtain data
Map data about cultural/legal restrictions9Obtain data
Map data about disenfranchised groups10Obtain data
Media review process11 – 12Create media review process; Create feedback collection method
Media survey11 – 12Create survey
Media users11 – 12Have users
Guide to writing inclusive11Create guide; Obtain Data
Project management guide17 – 20Create guide; Obtain Data
Project success checklist17 – 20Create guide; Obtain Data
Draft and versioning protocols19Create guide; Obtain Data
Branding guidelines20Create guide; Obtain Data
Legal guidelines20Create guide; Obtain Data
More than four brands21Create brand
System for calculating brand profitability21Create profit calculating system
At least two brands22 – 23Create brand
Map data about brand popularity22Obtain data
Products of more than three types of media23Create media
System for reputation feedback collection24 – 28Create feedback collection method
Registered users24 – 28, 32Have users; Create system for registration
Users24 – 28, 30, 32Have users
At least two employees25 – 26Hire employees
At least two products27Have products
At least two partners28Contract partners
Guide for determining reviewer reputability29Create guide; Obtain Data
Reviews29Have reviews
System for checking online presence30Create system for checking onilne presence
Guide for SEO30Create guide; Obtain Data
List of targeted keywords30Create list; Obtain Data
List of industry events31 – 32Create list; Obtain Data
System for collecting feedback from our users who attended event32Create feedback collection method

For each of the capabilities, I created a new list of sub-capabilities (kind of like last time but looser). Here is the resulting table:

Create toolProject TypeReference Writing | Project Planning | Tool Development | Tool Testing | Tool Publication | Project Close
Create feedback collection methodUnique Tool ProjectFeedback Collection Method Implementation
Create surveyProject TypeReference Writing | Project Planning | Survey Development | Survey Review Protocol | Survey Implementation | Project Close
Have usersResourceHave Products | Marketing Protocol
Create CMSUnique Tool ProjectApp Development | Have Users | Have Suite of Tools
Create Social Media platformUnique Tool ProjectApp Development | Have Users | Have Suite of Tools
Create Game engineUnique Tool ProjectEngine Development
Create Data mapUnique Tool ProjectApp Development | Have Users
Obtain dataResearchResearch Guidelines
Create media review processUnique Guide ProjectHave Reviews
Create guideProject TypeReference Writing | Project Planning | Guide Development | Guide Review Protocol | Guide Implementation | Guide Publication | Project Close
Create brandProject TypeCopy Writing | Project Planning | Brand Development | Brand Review Protocol | Brand Implementation | Project Close
Create profit calculating systemUnique Tool ProjectApp Development | Means to Make Income
Create mediaProject TypeStory Writing | Project Planning | Story Development | Story Review Protocol | Media Development | Media Review Protocol | Publication | Project Close
Create system for registrationUnique Tool ProjectHave Products
Hire employeesBusiness NeedBusiness Restructure | Business Administration | Means to Make Income
Have productsResourceN/A
Contract partnersBusiness NeedN/A
Have reviewsResourceHave Products | Outreach Protocol
Create system for checking onilne presenceUnique Tool ProjectHave Users

Now I will take the capabilities required from table two and replace the capabilities in table one… the result is a large table. I added a column for New Capability and Requirement to address what the objective offers once it is completed and what it requires before completion. This table was too large so here is a screenshot:

Table 3. Objective Requirements with Capabilities Exploded

We’re not done with tables yet! The most important column in the previous table is “Objectives”. Now what I will do is create a table with every row representing a capability and every column representing an objective. My hunch is that this table will be too big for the CMS I am using on this site. But let’s try it out.

Nope. That did not work. Here is a picture of what I did:

Table 4. Objectives (top) vs. Requirements (side)

There ended up being about 80 requirements. Now that I created this table, I will sort all 32 of my objectives by priority in a separate table. This will help determine which required capabilities should be obtained in which order. For instance, I picked objective 17 to have the highest priority. Objective 17 states: Objective 3.A.1 Tools and media production follow project management standards.

After sorting the objectives, I started to re-sequence the capabilities in Table 4 in order to get objective 17 cleared first, then objective 19, and then 20, etc. so that the most important objectives were activated first. After that, there was a lot of resorting and moving small things around and finally, I ended up with a list of all 80 capabilities that sort of made sense.

I then analyzed the list of capabilities for common groupings and luckily discovered that the requirements fell into pairings nicely. For example, the first requirements were:

  1. Have Project Management Guide
  2. Have Project Success Checklist
  3. Have Draft and Versioning Protocol
  4. Project Planning
  5. Project Close

…which could all be grouped as “Project Management Package”. I did this for all 80 requirements. Some anomalies moved from their spot later in the stack to join similar items earlier in the stack until I came up with the following list:


1Project Management Package(PM Guide, Checklist, Retrospective Guide, Draft and Versioning Guide)17 – 19
2Guide Extension(PM Guide to Guides, Guide Review Protocol, Guide Publication Protocol)
3Guide CreationResearch, Marketing, Branding, Legal Guides20
4Tool Extension(PM Guide to Tools, Tool Testing Protocol, Tool Publication Protocol)
5Feedback Extension(Feedback Collection Method, PM Guide to Surveys, Survey Review Protocol, Survey Publication Protocol)4
6Tool CreationOne to two tools
7Concept-to-Publish Suite(Tools for conceptualizing, designing, production, publication)1 – 2
8Game EngineTool for testing and using content5 – 6
9Media Extension(PM Guide to Media, Inclusive Writing Guide, Media Review Protocol, Media Publication Protocol)
10Media CreationImbue, Copperwealth, etc.11 – 16, 23
11Pubic Outreach ExtensionSEO, Outreach, Reviewer Credibility Guides24, 29 – 30
12Event AttendenceIndustry event and trade show presence31 – 32
13Digitial ExtensionTranslate tools to web service /apps21
14Community BridgeShare and Collaborate functionality3
15Global OutreachInternal Smart Map Functionality7 – 10, 22
XHumanistic ReputationHow well company treates employees/partners25 – 28

Note that the last one has the ID of “X” as it won’t actually become viable until / unless Cryptiquest has employees or partners, so it is outside the sequence of events.

This table is the list of capabilities that will serve as milestones to activate Cryptiquest’s objectives. This may be all that’s needed to complete the vision chart. I picture it split into the seven segments (instead of the proposed nine) with capabilities on the side, and objectives highlighted at the crossroad of the capability and the segment. An arrow can simply explain where Cryptiquest currently is in the timeline. And in the next session, that may be what I do. See you there.

Action Items

  • None

Session 04: Assessing Requirements
Session 06: More Capabilities