Refining the Site

Revisiting Compass Statement Definitions

Hi. This session isn’t all that important to anyone out there in the real world – except maybe to point out that sometimes problems arise unexpectedly and you have to just grit your teeth and do the work.

I implemented the project tome thing yesterday but I just threw the bones of it together. I spent about 4 hours refining it then I discovered that the website’s navigation wasn’t working in mobile – apparently the WordPress theme hadn’t been updated by the creator for almost 20 months. Not sure how long the functionality had been broken but I needed to find a new theme and then style that and that took about 90 minutes.

Anyway, the site looks good now and the project tome looks good and I’m pretty excited about moving forward with the project. This was a lot of unexpected work but everything is better for it.

Image of old site:

Image of new (well, new as of this post) site:

That’s it. None of this will matter in a year or so but perhaps the effort itself is important for posterity? Ah well. Carrying on…

Revisiting Compass Statement Definitions