Session 04: Assessing Requirements

Session 03: Assessing Objectives
Session 05: Assessing Capabilities

Hi there! Welcome to this session of the Vision Chart project where I am creating a chart to measure Cryptiquest’s progress toward completing its vision. In the last session, company objectives were analyzed to identify requirements. This session will focus on analyzing those requirements for capability thresholds. To begin, let’s look at the requirements for each objective.

{1} Objective 1.A.1: User expectation regarding the suite of tools working seamlessly together is met at least __% of the time.

  1. Multiple Cryptiquest tools
  2. Feedback collection method
  3. Tool survey
  4. Tool users

{2} Objective 1.A.2: User expectation regarding process guidance (from concept-to-launch) for each tool is met at least __% of the time.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Feedback collection method
  3. Tool survey
  4. Tool users
  5. Conceptualization functionality
  6. Design functionality
  7. Production functionality
  8. Publication functionality

{3} Objective 1.A.3: User expectation regarding sharing and collaboration content for each tool is met at least __% of the time.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Feedback collection method
  3. Tool survey
  4. Tool users
  5. Sharing functionality
  6. Collaboration functionality

{4} Objective 1.A.4: User expectation regarding ease of use for each tool is met at least __% of the time.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Feedback collection method
  3. Tool survey
  4. Tool users

{5} Objective 1.A.5: User expectation regarding game engine format is met at least __% of the time.
{6} Objective 1.A.6: User expectation regarding game engine integration is met at least __% of the time.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Feedback collection method
  3. Tool survey
  4. Tool users
  5. Game engine

{7} Objective 1.B.1: Tools are translated to support at least __% of users, globally.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)
  3. Map data about languages spoken

{8} Objective 1.B.2: Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to at least __% of communities, globally.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)
  3. Map data about access to information

{9} Objective 1.B.3: Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to at least __% of regions, globally.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)
  3. Map data about cultural/legal restrictions

{10} Objective 1.B.4: Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to at least __% of disenfranchised groups, globally.

  1. At least one Cryptiquest tool
  2. Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)
  3. Map data about disenfranchised groups

{11} Objective 2.A.1: Media reviews report % positive on inclusivity.

  1. Media review process
  2. Media survey
  3. Media users
  4. Guide to writing inclusive

{12} Objective 2.A.2 Media reviews report % positive on uniqueness.
{13} Objective 2.A.3 Media reviews report % positive on consistency.
{14} Objective 2.A.4 Media reviews report % positive on entertainment.
{15} Objective 2.A.5 Media reviews report % positive on quality.
{16} Objective 2.A.6 Media reviews report % positive on concision.

  1. Media review process
  2. Media survey
  3. Media users

{17} Objective 3.A.1 Tools and media production follow project management standards.

  1. Project management guide
  2. Project success checklist

{18} Objective 3.A.2 Tools and media production use Cryptiquest tools (as they are available).

  1. Project management guide
  2. Project success checklist
  3. At least one Cryptiquest tool

{19} Objective 3.A.3 Tools and media follow draft and version protocols.

  1. Project management guide
  2. Project success checklist
  3. Draft and versioning protocols

{20} Objective 3.A.4 Tools and media follow branding and legal guidelines.

  1. Project management guide
  2. Project success checklist
  3. Branding guidelines
  4. Legal guidelines

{21} Objective 4.A.1 More than four brands are profitable.

  1. More than four brands
  2. System for calculating brand profitability

{22} Objective 4.A.2 Brands are popular among at least __% of creators, globally.

  1. At least two brands
  2. Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)
  3. Map data about brand popularity

{23} Objective 4.A.3 The brands span at least three different media types.

  1. At least two brands
  2. Products of more than three types of media

{24} Objective 5.A.1 At least __% of users/employees report that Cryptiquest is an honest company.

  • System for reputation feedback collection
  • Registered users
  • Users

{25} Objective 5.A.2 At least __% of users/employees report that Cryptiquest treats its employees well.
{26} Objective 5.A.3 At least __% of users/employees consider employees of Cryptiquest to be industry experts.

  • System for reputation feedback collection
  • Registered users
  • Users
  • At least two employees

{27} Objective 5.A.4 At least __% of users/employees report having a meaningful relationship with Cryptiquest, its brands, or its products.

  • System for reputation feedback collection
  • Registered users
  • Users
  • At least two products

{28} Objective 5.A.5 At least __% of users/employees consider partners of Cryptiquest to be industry experts.

  • System for reputation feedback collection
  • Registered users
  • Users
  • At least two partners

{29} Objective 5.B.1 Third party reviews of the company are positive __% of the time.

  1. Guide for determining reviewer reputability
  2. Reviews

{30} Objective 6.A.1 Cryptiquest is returned on the first page of results __% of the time when users search for targeted keywords.

  1. System for checking online presence
  2. Guide for SEO
  3. List of targeted keywords
  4. Users

{31} Objective 6.B.1 Cryptiquest is present at __% of industry events, annually.

  1. List of industry events

{32} Objective 6.B.2 At least __% of users who go to industry events report seeing us at industry events.

  1. List of industry events
  2. System for collecting feedback from our users who attended event
  3. Registered Users
  4. Users

So now, what would be ideal is a list of the requirements with their associated objectives and prerequisites. This sounds like tabulated data but I do not want to use an HTML table for this. I will use a spreadsheet in Google Docs.

I’ve spent some time on this and wanted to report updates. I’ve listed each requirement, removed duplicates, referenced which objectives they addressed and then assessed what base capability meeting this requirement creates.

More than one tool1Create tool(s)
Tool User Feedback collection method1 – 6Create feedback collection method
Tool survey1 – 6Create survey
Tool users1 – 6Have users
At least one tool2 – 10, 18Create tool
Conceptualization functionality2Create tool
Design functionality2Create tool
Production functionality2Create tool
Publication functionality2Create tool
Sharing functionality3Create CMS
Collaboration functionality3Create Social Media platform
Game engine5 – 6Create Game engine
Data Map of population, info access demographics (internet, mobile, etc.)7 – 10, 22Create Data map; Obtain data
Map data about languages spoken7Obtain data
Map data about access to information8Obtain data
Map data about cultural/legal restrictions9Obtain data
Map data about disenfranchised groups10Obtain data
Media review process11 – 12Create media review process; Create feedback collection method
Media survey11 – 12Create survey
Media users11 – 12Have users
Guide to writing inclusive11Create guide; Obtain Data
Project management guide17 – 20Create guide; Obtain Data
Project success checklist17 – 20Create guide; Obtain Data
Draft and versioning protocols19Create guide; Obtain Data
Branding guidelines20Create guide; Obtain Data
Legal guidelines20Create guide; Obtain Data
More than four brands21Create brand
System for calculating brand profitability21Create profit calculating system
At least two brands22 – 23Create brand
Map data about brand popularity22Obtain data
Products of more than three types of media23Create media
System for reputation feedback collection24 – 28Create feedback collection method
Registered users24 – 28, 32Have users; Create system for registration
Users24 – 28, 30, 32Have users
At least two employees25 – 26Hire employees
At least two products27Have products
At least two partners28Contract partners
Guide for determining reviewer reputability29Create guide; Obtain Data
Reviews29Have reviews
System for checking online presence30Create system for checking onilne presence
Guide for SEO30Create guide; Obtain Data
List of targeted keywords30Create list; Obtain Data
List of industry events31 – 32Create list; Obtain Data
System for collecting feedback from our users who attended event32Create feedback collection method

Now I’ll draft the deliverables required for each of those capabilities…

This is now complete but some of the new capabilities need to be broken down and there are a lot of repeat capabilities. This feels like a Gantt charting tool might serve to draft, track and chart this easier – though no need for dates or time frames, just using each “task” as a capability…

Okay. So I did a test with the base and first round of capabilities in a Gantt charting tool and it was cumbersome and prone to mistakes. I’ll go back to the spreadsheet technique…

The next round of work breakdown structure revealed either base capabilities or capabilities that were already addressed so there is no further need for breaking down capabilities. Not sure all of this is easy to follow for you, the reader since I’m referring to things but not showing them but here is the final list of required capabilities:

1Create tool
2Create feedback collection method
3Create survey
4Have users
5Create CMS
6Create Social Media platform
7Create Game engine
8Create Data map
9Obtain data
10Create media review process
11Create guide
12Create brand
13Create profit calculating system
14Create media
15Create system for registration
16Hire employees
17Have products
18Contract partners
19Have reviews
20Create system for checking onilne presence
21Initiate Project
22Design Solution
23Playtest Solution
24Write Instructions
25Develop Tools
26Check Objectives
27Send to Reviewers
28Test Tool
29Publish to Depository
30Announce Tool to Audiences
31Create Retrospective
32Design Game Engine
33Develop Game Engine
34Test Engine
35Research Solution
36Test Soluion
37Seek Users
38Assess Launch Protocols
39Launch Protocols
40Develop App
41Have Engine
42Test Solution
43Write Survey
44Implement into System
45Have System for Survey
46Have Income
47Explore Story
48Draft Outline
49Draft Story
50Edit Story
51Refine Story
52Finalize Media
53Distribute Media
54Annouce Media to Audience
55Finalize Brand
56Announce Brand to Audiences
57Announce Guide to Audiences
58Draft Theories
59Write Copy
60Have Media
61Research Data
62Implent into System
63Have System for Data
64Have Media or Guides or Tools
65Develop Map Solution
66Have Project Management Guidelines
67Have Review Protocol
68Have Test Protocol
69Have Marketing Guide
70Have Retrospective Guide
71Have Research Guide
72Have Project Management Guide
73Have Launch Protocols
74Have Story Writing Guide
75Have Media Distribution Guide
76Have Brand Finalization Guide
77Have Project Need
78Have Objectives
79Label Target Audience
80Have Project Goals and Objectives
81Have Plan for Solution
82Have Draft of Solution
83Have Plan for Game Design Engine
84Have Instruction Writing Capability
85Have Game Development Capability
86Have App Development Capability
87Have created Game Engine
88Have Survey Writing Capability
89Have created system
90Have Obtained Money
91Have Story Writing Capability
92Have Multimedia Capability
93Have Theory Writing Capability
94Have Copy Writing Capability
95Have Reviewers
96Have Testers
97Have Audience
98Have Depository
99Have Audience Outlets
100Have Completed Project
101Have Distributed Media
102Have distributed media, guide, or tools

This list needs to be cleaned up a bit and further assessed. I’ll do that as I tackle the next step which will be to identify to which capabilities Cryptiquest already has access. After that, there will be a step of path finding, specifically how to get to each objective through the capabilities. Finally, once that’s all set, movement along the pathways can be measured and displayed. That’s the plan for now, at any rate.

See you in the next session!

Action Items

  • None
Session 03: Assessing Objectives
Session 05: Assessing Capabilities