Session 10: Implementation of Our Objectives

Session 09: Chart Review
Session 11: Wrapping Up

Hello and welcome to this session of the Vision Chart project where I am creating a chart to track Cryptiquest’s progress toward its vision. In the last session I concocted a plan for reviewing the documents. In this session, I will implement and announce the “Our Objectives” page.

In the confidant review, there were several suggestions to change the document. With those changes made, the Our Objectives content looks like the following:

Our Objectives

We have an ambitious vision: to responsibly unlock and inspire creators of any and every identity. To support this vision, we have developed mission statements and values, but a crucial ingredient for reaching these goals is having measurable objectives. Our 32 objectives have been established to track our progress toward the ideal state of Cryptiquest – one where our ambitious vision has been achieved.

However, it is important to note that while these objectives illustrate the methods for measuring our progress, Cryptiquest is not currently capable of measuring most of them (indicated by “unlock” and “lock icons”). We have set forth a road map toward accumulating the necessary capabilities needed for unlocking these objectives. In the meantime, we will remain cognizant of these objectives as we build toward that state.


We believe that even if a creator is possessed with inspiration, talent, and vision they can still be thwarted by the creative process itself. That’s why we offer our in-house project management guides free to creators around the world. We take the creative process seriously, and that’s why the following objectives are designed to ensure our own projects follow best practices.

  • 🔒 {1} Objective 1.A Our projects follow our project management standards.
  • 🔒 {2} Objective 1.B Our products use our crafting tools (as they are available).
  • 🔒 {3} Objective 1.C Our products follow draft and version protocols.
  • 🔒 {4} Objective 1.D Our products follow branding and legal guidelines.


The explicit actions in our vision are to unlock and inspire creators. In addition to the project management guides, we create a suite of crafting tools and a game engine to test creations made by those tools. These tools offer instructive and engaging ways to generate story elements for whatever narrative-based creation creators are working on. These next objectives have been engineered to ensure our tools meet user expectations.

  • 🔒 {5} Objective 2.A User expectation regarding the suite of tools working seamlessly together is met.
  • 🔒 {6} Objective 2.B User expectation regarding process guidance (from concept-to-launch) for each tool is met.
  • 🔒 {7} Objective 2.C User expectation regarding sharing and collaboration content for each tool is met.
  • 🔒 {8} Objective 2.D User expectation regarding ease of use for each tool is met.
  • 🔒 {9} Objective 2.E User expectation regarding game engine format is met.
  • 🔒 {10} Objective 2.F User expectation regarding game engine integration is met.


While the project management guides and crafting tools serve to help unlock creators, we are creating media to help inspire creators. Our media is meant to demonstrate the possible outcome for creators using our crafting tools. We also create responsible media – loosely defined as ensuring there is no ambiguity regarding toxic ideologies. The objectives for media have been formulated to support Cryptiquest’s values.

  • 🔒 {11} Objective 3.A Media reviews report positive on inclusivity.
  • 🔒 {12} Objective 3.B Media reviews report positive on uniqueness.
  • 🔒 {13} Objective 3.C Media reviews report positive on consistency.
  • 🔒 {14} Objective 3.D Media reviews report positive on entertainment.
  • 🔒 {15} Objective 3.E Media reviews report positive on quality.
  • 🔒 {16} Objective 3.F Media reviews report positive on concision.


A critical caveat to our vision is that we reach creators of any and every identity – that includes being found for those actively looking for us. We want to ensure that creators (both unlocked and inspired) will be able to discover us when they search for a creative solution either online or in person. These objectives have been designed with these users in mind.

  • 🔒 {17} Objective 4.A Cryptiquest is returned on the first page of results when users search for targeted keywords.
  • 🔒 {18} Objective 4.B Cryptiquest is present at industry events, annually.
  • 🔒 {19} Objective 4.C Users who go to industry events report seeing us at industry events.


Creators can neither be unlocked nor inspired if our products are not being used. Therefore it is imperative to assess consumer value for the brands by measuring their popularity. Media brands need to be profitable so as to increase capital and to fund further outreach to creators. The following objectives are important for fostering these opportunities, though it’s also important to point out that these do not apply to all brands (i.e. creative tools will always be free).

  • 🔒 {20} Objective 5.A More than four brands are profitable.
  • 🔒 {21} Objective 5.B Brands are popular among creators, globally.
  • 🔒 {22} Objective 5.C The brands span at least three different media types.


A key theme throughout our vision and mission statements is responsibility, and while that can be interpreted as how we manage the messaging in our media, we also desire to be a role model for the way we interact with people – whether they be creator, partner, or staff. We are serious about responsibility. In addition to our conduct, we aim to serve as a role model and authority within the industry. The following objectives are intended to help mold our reputation in both humanistic integrity and subject authority.

  • 🔒 {23} Objective 6.A Users/employees report that Cryptiquest is an honest company.
  • 🔒 {24} Objective 6.B Users/employees report that Cryptiquest treats its employees well.
  • 🔒 {25} Objective 6.C Users/employees consider employees of Cryptiquest to be industry experts.
  • 🔒 {26} Objective 6.D Users/employees report having a meaningful relationship with Cryptiquest, its brands, or its products.
  • 🔒 {27} Objective 6.E Users/employees consider partners of Cryptiquest to be industry experts.
  • 🔒 {28} Objective 6.F Third party reviews of the company are positive.


Our vision states that we reach creators of any and every identity – that includes actively seeking creators who cannot access us. We intend to literally reach every creator – with a goal to not only be inclusive but connect to creators walled off by social, economic, or other invisible barriers throughout the world. The following objectives serve to support this part of the vision.

  • 🔒 {29} Objective 7.A Tools are translated to support users, globally.
  • 🔒 {30} Objective 7.B Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to communities, globally.
  • 🔒 {31} Objective 7.C Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to regions, globally.
  • 🔒 {32} Objective 7.D Solutions are discovered to provide tool access to disenfranchised groups, globally.

I think this is a vast improvement over the previous version and I’ve posted this copy to the company website. Now I’ll work out the press release:

Cryptiquest, LLC Unveils Company Objectives

Cryptiquest, LLC is proud to unveil 32 objectives which have been designed to guide the company as it makes progress toward its vision.

Sorted into seven distinct categories, the objectives serve to support the company’s Ideal State – a description of high-level attributes which define Cryptiquest once its vision is fully realized. These objectives will guide company endeavors moving forward while providing a road map for determining which projects to pursue.

You can read more about our objectives by visiting

Cryptiquest: Our Objectives

I think that looks okay? I’ll have a confidant look it over and give me some advice.

The confidant approved so it’s been officially released.

The next session will deal with the vision chart itself. After some initial feedback, I’m not sure how to move forward with it. I assume the next session will entail some “back-and-forth” with myself to figure it out.

Should be fun – see you there!

Action Items

  • N/A
Session 09: Chart Review
Session 11: Wrapping Up