Session 11: Wrapping Up
Hey there and welcome to this session of the Vision Chart project where I was creating a chart to track Cryptiquest’s progress toward its vision. In the previous session I implemented the list of objectives discovered during this project. Since then I updated the “Our Strategy” page with the vision chart information. In this session, I will look at the overall project and assess what- if anything – needs to be crated before tackling the Retrospective.
I’ll start by going back in time and peek at the Kick-off session which discussed the goal and objectives:
After conducting the research above, it seems that the goal is to create a chart of sorts that displays the comparison of “current Cryptiquest” to “ideal Cryptiquest” regarding the status of 9 attributes of the ideal state. Maybe there’s a more succinct way to state that.
Goal: To create a chart of Cryptiquest’s progress toward the ideal state.Objectives
1. The chart shows current capabilities regarding the 9 attributes.
Vision Chart, Session 01: Kick-off
2. The chart shows the ideal capabilities of the 9 attributes.
3. The chart will be placed under the About page on the company site.
The goal was to generate a chart of Cryptiquest’s progress toward the ideal state. I did not generate a chart but I did generate two lists: one of objectives and another of capabilities, both used to gauge and measure Cryptiquest’s progress toward the ideal state.
Likewise with the objectives, I did not create a chart, and while the list of capabilities does not include current capabilities, it doesn’t need to as the intention was to understand how best to measure projects based on current capabilities. Instead, project success will be measured on objectives that have been unlocked thus far. And I think instead of “pass/fail” projects will be graded on how close to 100% they get.
I guess that’s it. Next I’ll work on the Retrospective to finalize this project. Final thought is that this was a grueling project that wore me out but Cryptiquest is stronger for it. I look forward to the next project.